Reaching for The Fringe is a 501C3 outreach ministry located in Providence, Rhode Island. It's led by Reverends Doug and Deb Rushworth, and helps the needy of all ages, in varied ways, in the local community. We provide families and individuals with free groceries, free meals, and free personal care items. Many folks who are unable to visit Reaching for the Fringe are also in need of basic clothing, and deliveries are made to them.
Every summer, we seek to collect back-to-school items, including back packs and notebooks in an effort to help children in need be successful in their education efforts.
During the holiday seasons of Thanksgiving and Christmas, we provide meals and/or gifts. It’s the biggest time of need during the entire year, and the last few seasons there has been a steady increase in attendees.
Doug and Deb also provide spiritual support to those that seek to engage them.
Reaching for the Fringe is supported 100% through the generous donations of many.
Call or stop by Reaching for the Fringe to receive assistance, or to make a donation of food and/or clothing. The hours of the food pantry are limited, so please call before visiting to be certain staff is on site.